
Inner Works Pro

July 2021

As a new business owner, you will want to promote your new product or service on all social media channels. 

Social media posts currently drive about 31 percent of all referral traffic. If you manage to get people interested in the content you are sharing, they are very likely to keep coming back to your site and even tell their colleagues and friends about it through social media sharing and discussions. 

If you are unsure of how to increase your website SEO, read on to learn how to use your social media posts to increase user visits to your company website.

The Best Ways to Generate Website Visits from Social Media Posts

Complete All Social Media Profiles

Let’s face it, if you don’t have complete social media profiles online, you might as well not exist. The same is true for your company and brand. Your company profile should show all information about your business. Draft a paragraph or two that highlights details about you, your company, and your business objectives and brand information. Also, be sure to include a link to your company’s website in the text of the profile information. It is important that your company’s profiles have social media consistency. That means all company profiles on all your social media channels must be uniform in the copy and graphics.

Promote All Your Blog Content

After you have gone through the effort of creating engaging content, do whatever you can to promote it on your social media channels. Use visual content that stands out to grab the attention of your users. For those that may be a bit skeptical about whether this really works, give it a try by sharing any piece of your content. Brands that create 15 blog posts per month and share them on media can generate an average of 1,200 new leads a month. Be patient, as it may take a little time to see tangible results, but it is worth it.

Make Your Content Easily Shareable

A great way to encourage your site visitors to share your content is to embed a social media sharing tool on your site. For example, if you are a Twitter user, you can add a “click to Tweet” button so your followers can share with their connections and provide a link to your content, as well. 

If your blog content has a great number of shares already, promote that, too. Making this information easily available to read and share for your site visitors will lead to more engagement. This will build trust in the brand and will lead to higher conversion rates later on in your billing cycle.

Post When the Audience is Active Online

It is pointless to create content and share it if your target audience does not see it. Do a little research about your target audience and find out when their peak time is for online surfing. There are a few tools available on the market that can help you determine your audience’s peak social media times for each platform. Two great tools for implementing this social media strategy are Skyword and Followerwonk, both content marketing platforms. The tools help you learn which content types are the best for each social media audience and when the key time is to post it for the most audience engagement.

Engage with Your Audience Frequently

Social media is the main way that your company can engage directly with your target audience. You definitely don’t want to make the mistake of your social media presence going by the wayside. On most social media platforms, you can usually communicate with your audience. Take this opportunity to answer any questions customers may have about your product or service. You can also collect valuable feedback at the same time.

According to Sprout Social, about 89 percent of consumers do not receive a reply when they reach out to a brand on social media. As a result, this will lead to the consumer going elsewhere for information or questions. By responding frequently, it will leave you with the opportunity to improve your audience’s opinion of your brand and drive traffic to your website.

If you can improve your social media development, you will manage to generate more website visits from your users. Inner Works Pro can assist you with all your social media management tasks. We can help grow your business. Contact us today to get started.