
Inner Works Pro

March 2022

Businesses of all sizes are capitalizing on sustainability. Each day brands are using sustainable business practices and implementing new business sustainability strategies into every aspect of their companies. E-commerce businesses can use this sustainable business model as an effective business management tool.

How to Create Successful Business and Sustainability Campaigns

Update Brand Ethos

The brand ethos tells customers what your values are and who you are as a brand. You will want to reflect in this case your sustainability goals as your brand ethos. Leave examples of how your brand is taking sustainability measures. This message should be broadcasted throughout all your channels including blog posts, social media, and the rest of your content.

Sustainable Shipping

These days, fast shipping is what can put an e-commerce business ahead of the competition. If you are promoting a sustainability campaign, you will have to make sure that you reduce the carbon footprint of the shipping process. There are several ways that you can reduce shipping waste. For example, you can use recyclable packaging, reduce the amount of packaging, and use thermal printers to reduce ink use for labels.

Reduce Packaging

Packaging waste is one of the biggest issues with e-commerce retailers. When your company makes a solid effort to reduce e-commerce packaging, it can have a great impact on your business footprint. This includes purchasing boxes that are the appropriate size for the items shipped. This is helpful because boxes that are too large are a waste of space and will need more packing material to protect the merchandise.

Create Recycling Policies

A company can also significantly reduce its waste if it only uses sustainable packaging and materials. When you use a highly recyclable material like cardboard, it makes recycling easier for all including your business and your customers. In fact, recycling cardboard materials takes only 75 percent of the energy needed to make new cardboard. An astounding nine cubic yards of landfill space is saved with recycled cardboard.

Reduce Energy Waste

This task does not take much effort to practice. It can be a simple adjustment to your business practices. It can be as simple as making sure your equipment is shut off when not being used, using low-energy light bulbs, and reducing the temperature in the building or warehouse as a few small things you can do to reduce energy waste.

Add Sustainable Products

If at all possible, keep sustainability-focused products in your store. There is an ever-increasing market of consumers that are interested in buying these products specifically. This could entail adding eco-friendly products to your list of items. As an alternative, you can donate a portion of your proceeds to a green charity such as 1 % for the Planet, where the environment receives the benefit.

Offset Service Charges

One way to reduce your environmental damage with your business is to purchase carbon offsets. These offsets are measures that are designed to balance the carbon dioxide produced in the sale with an investment in projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions. You can implement these offsets in two ways: Your company can make the investment as part of your overall company budget, or your customers can elect to help with an optional offset charge at checkout.

Resell Used Merchandise

Reselling used merchandise is another way of recycling. Companies today are working on what is known as a circular economy. That is giving gently used products a second life instead of sending them directly to a landfill. These products, depending on what they are, can go through second or even third owners before getting recycled into other products.

You can draw your customers into this resale marketing trend and encourage them to participate. For instance, you can encourage your customers to resell their used products through your website. This will also associate your company’s brand identity with business sustainability.

Inner Works Pro can assist you with sustainable business consulting. We can teach you the business benefits of environmental sustainability and help your company be one of the businesses that give back. Contact us today to grow your business.